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Mental Health Topics

Mental Health Counselors

Stress and Obesity

How to control overeating during times of stress.

Too Much is Never Enough

How mindfulness practices support addiction recovery.

Mental Health Professionals

Bullies, Victims and Solutions

Children who bully are often looking for ways to release emotional anger or remove or reduce negative feelings being experienced. Our lives revolve around pleasure and we seek it any way we can. What we see through our eyes does not reflect our actions, what we feel controls our decisions.

Post Traumatic Stress - How To Heal

When humans are faced with a traumatic event in order for the psyche to stay in balance some details of the event are instantly forced into the subconscious mind so that the conscious mind can continue to function. The subconscious mind holds the details – sometimes weeks, months or years. Then, considering all factors the subconscious mind pushes the information into the unconscious mind so that the details can be accessed by the conscious mind to be processed and released.

Signs and Symptoms of Depression

Learn how to distinguish between normal sadness and clinical depression

Group Psychotherapy

Mental Health in Children

Identifying children at risk for mental health problems can prevent some problems before they ever happen.

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