Stress and Obesity
By Sondra Newall
The country is now experiencing a stressful time, with corporate downsizing, home forclosures, etc. Food especially, those that are high in calories, and fat, have oftentimes been used to sooth stress. Unfortunately we now have an obesity epidemic in America. I have done evaluations for gastric bypass and lap band surgery, and found the one thing most overweight people have in common is not having the proper tools to cope with ongoing stress. Many of my clients have histories of abuse that stems back to childhood. Like a new shoe, stress management techniques take time to learn, but have a large payoff in increased mental and physical health. Warning signs of stress overload, increased anxiety, decreased sleep, use of alcohol or drugs in an effort to reduce feelings of anxiety, fatigue, feeling overwhelmed, not being able to shut off fears about the future, and arguing more with friends and family.
About the Author
 | Sondra Newall, Sondra K. Newall, MAEd., LMHC 1876 North University Drive, Ste 101A Fort Lauderdale, FL 33322 954 727 5441
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