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Too Much is Never Enough

I did some web research to find out where this title phrase came from and it seems most likely that it was an MTV slogan. I’m not certain because I didn’t have MTV growing up (gasp!), but I remember my parents jokingly saying this all the time. And it resonates with me today as I sit down to write about mindfulness and addiction and recovery. We in the U.S. are living in a culture of bigger, better, faster, more, NOW. We might think want more balance, but somewhere inside a voice says, “Just have one more, it’s okay, it won’t kill you.”

Problem is, it could kill you, especially when it involves too much eating, drinking, drugging, working, sex, etc. But since you’re reading this blog, you probably already knew that. Whether through your own or a loved one’s experience, you know that voice isn’t helpful. It is usually the tricky ego with its whiny, entitled attitude. And when the ego’s demands aren’t met, it resorts to maintaining the status quo. It can be challenging to differentiate the ego’s voice from the other aspects of your Self. This is where mindfulness practices can help.

The path of mindfulness calls us to be still, developing an internal observer. This observer within us can then help determine how our thoughts and feelings impact our actions. On the path of nurturing sobriety, this mindful observer is so important. As you become fully aware again, taking off the veil of addiction-prompted numbness, the ego might have some reactions. Ever had a tantrum inside your mind? Or behaviorally for all to see? This is how the ego tricks you into jumping right back into old habits that your Soul knows are no good for you.

Mindfulness is a path and practice, just like recovery. It takes time and it generally gets easier. You won’t always like what you observe, but that’s just another experience to be mindful of. The next step is to let… it… go… Thoughts, feelings, breath, physical sensations… They come, then they go, and are replaced by others. Really sitting with and diving into your experience helps to clear out the clutter, so you can stay focused on who you strive to be. Next time you hear your ego taunting, “Go ahead, just have one…” sit down, take a few deep breaths, and listen for the quieter voice of your Soul.

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About the Author

Amber Keating, Soulful Healing
12520 Magnolia Blvd., Suite 308
Valley Village, CA 91607

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